History of Serving Those in Need
The Society of St Vincent de Paul was formed in Paris, France, in 1833 by six college students who were looking to live out the gospel message of taking care of His "least ones," as Jesus Himself spelled out in Matthew 25. The first Conference (parish-based group of members) was established in Philadelphia in 1851. Today, the Society has more than 40 Conferences in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, with over 600 active members, all helping the poor in their local communities.
St. Katherine of Siena Parish Conference
The Conference at St. Katherine of Siena has been actively helping our community since 2013. Conference members, “Vincentians”, meet regularly to create a sense of community as we serve our neighbors together.
Upcoming Events:
- Saturday, September 10, 2022 – Annual Friends of the Poor Walk
- Saturday, October 1, 2022 - Fall Clothing Drive
How does SVdP serve those in need?
Home Visits
We conduct home visits in teams of two, meeting with those who are in need in our parish area. These visits are the heart of how the Society engages with people in need, to hear their story and jointly determine how best to help them. All information is kept confidential. We have provided assistance to several families, in the form of food, utilities, in-kind service, as well as referrals to other social agencies and organizations.
Friends of the Poor Walk
In September 2020 we held our 8th annual Friends of the Poor Walk to raise funds for our client assistance and to raise awareness that the poor live among us. We scaled our Walk down because of Covid concerns in our two-mile walk to Fluehr Park and back. Many thanks for the support of the parishioners.
Save the Date for the Next Friends of the Poor Walk
Bring your family and friends and join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at the 9th Annual Friends of the Poor Walk on Saturday, September 10, 2022.
Join the Vincentians for a Family Fun Walk that begins and ends at McBride Hall and includes a local route of approximately 2 miles along Grant Avenue to and through Fluehr Park. The event raises funds to assist the Society of St. Vincent de Paul with outreach assistance to those in need within the parish boundaries.
The 2022 schedule of events begins with Mass in the church at 8:00 AM, which will be followed by walker sign-ins beginning at 8:30 AM in McBride Hall. The walk will start at 9:00 AM and light refreshments will be provided in McBride Hall after the walk. A registration fee of $20.00 per adult or $30.00 per family will include a t-shirt and donation to the St. Katherine of Siena Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
You can register to walk or donate online or in person the morning of the Walk. Please check the Sunday Church Bulletin for more information regarding online registration.
Questions? Contact the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, [email protected] or leave a message at 215-637-7548 ext. 250.
Clothing Drives
We have organized two clothing and household article drives each year, with proceeds going to help the Society’s families in need. With our new partner GreenDrop, we plan to conduct these drives each May and October in the church parking lot.
Fall Clothing Drive
Saturday, October 1, 2022
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St. Katherine of Siena Church
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul partners with GreenDrop to support their clothing drive. Look for the GreenDrop truck in the Church parking lot where an attendant can assist you with your donations. Place your donations of usable men's, women's and children's clothing in plastic bags or boxes. Household items such as kitchenware, games/toys, small appliances under 50 pounds, electronics, sporting goods, books, CDs & videos are also accepted. Unfortunately, furniture, large appliances, TVs, or computer monitors cannot be accepted.
Full list of acceptable items: www.gogreendrop.com
Schedule a home pick-up: www.svdppickup.org
Or call 1-888-944-3767
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Meeting Schedule for 2022
We generally meet the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the school library. Look for announcements in the Church Bulletin or contact us with any questions you have.
President – Carmela Bonanno
Vice President – Ed McBlain
Vice President – Dan Coonan
Spiritual Advisor - Deacon Robert Hall
Treasurer - Marge Hall
Secretary – Helen Black
Contact Information
Please contact us if:
• If you or someone you know needs assistance. We are happy to help!
• If you are interested in joining us. We are always looking for new members!
Email : [email protected]
Phone : 215-637-7548 ext. 250