Cow Chip Bingo!
Holy Cow it’s here! Cow Chip Bingo has officially opened up. Purchase your deeds at Cash/checks can be dropped off at the rectory but please include your deed number, or you can Venmo @SKSPhila -- deeds are $25 each. If all 400 deeds sell $3000 grand prize!
Cow Chip Bingo Rules
- Deed owner does not need to be present to win.
- Prize money is determined by the number of deeds sold $3,000 is the grand prize if all deeds are sold.
- Purchase of deed allows you access to Cow Bingo area. Oktoberfest entrance is separate.
- Only those who have purchased Oktoberfest tickets will be able to buy food or drink or participate in activities beside Cow Chip Bingo.
- The Cow will arrive at 3pm, the handler will walk the cow around the paddock, the paddock has 400 lined squares each square measuring 2ft by
2ft. - If the Cow Chip lands in more than one square, the prize determined by the number of deeds sold will be split equally among deed holders
affected. - A judge will determine which boxes are affected.
The Judge’s decision is final - If after two hours the cow has not chipped a box, a random drawing will be held, a number represented will be pulled to determine the winner. All Deed Holders numbers will be included in the drawing.
- All Deed Holders must be 18 years or older to win