Msgr. Kennedy's Ash Wednesday Message
St. Katherine of Siena | Confirmation Mass @ 1:00PM

Help the SKS PYM Lenten Food Drive


PYM Lenten Food Drive

Sat/Sun March 6th and 7th

To prepare for our upcoming Caring for Friends
Cook-In on Saturday, March 13th, we are asking for
donations of Canned Goods and Hams to support
our efforts. We are hoping to prepare 500 meals for
our Parish Shut-In’s below is a list of items we are in

need of…….

Canned and Dry Items Boxed Mashed Potatoes,
Canned Carrots, Peas, Corn.

Please drop donated items off in the back of
Church before or after each Mass on the
weekend of March 6th and 7th.  Of course, any
donations are very much appreciated but always
our greatest need is Hams, the more Hams, the
more shut-ins we can feed!


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