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January 2020

St. Katherine of Siena Welcomes Archbishop-Elect Nelson PĂ©rez


The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has a new bishop.

Archbishop Chaput shared the following on social media this morning:

Dear Friends,

This is a moment of great joy for the people of the @ArchPhila. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, announced today that he has named Most Reverend Nelson J. Perez as the 10th Archbishop (14th Bishop) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. @BishopNPerez is a man who already knows and loves the Church in Philadelphia, and is already known and loved by our priests and people. I cannot think of a better successor to lead this Archdiocese.

I have the honor of hosting a news conference today at 10:00 a.m. (EDT) in the auditorium of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center to share this news and formally introduce Archbishop-elect Perez.

It will be broadcast live on the Archdiocesan website ( and here on my Facebook page.

Please join me in praying for Archbishop-elect Perez as he prepares to assume his new role in service to the local Church.

May the Lord give you peace.