Join Us for the 2018 Friends of the Poor Walk!
Walk proceeds benefit our friends in need in Northeast Philadelphia.
Walk Course: The walk begins and ends at McBride Hall and includes a route of approximately 2 miles along Grant Avenue to and through Fluehr Park, or optional shorter course around parish campus.
Registration Fee: $10.00 high school/college student rate (grade schoolers are free accompanied by parent), $20.00 per adult or $30.00 per family
Includes the cost of an event t-shirt and a donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at St. Katherine of Siena. Make checks payable to “Society of Saint Vincent de Paul”
Event t-shirt guaranteed to walkers registered by September 10th.
Register in-person: Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be outside of Mass during the weekends of:
August 25th and 26th
September 8th and 9th
Questions? Contact the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 215-704-1452 Marge Hall, or
215-637-7548, ext. 250 SVdP Voicemail