March 2017
Save the Date: St. Katherine of Siena Parish Hall of Fame Induction and Dinner
Please Save the Date and plan to join us for the 2nd St. Katherine of Siena Hall of Fame Induction and Dinner.
The purpose of the SKS Hall of Fame is “to honor those who have shared their time and talents with St. Katherine of Siena
Parish and/or school in ways that have upheld its mission and contributed significantly to its growth.”
We invite our parish and school community members to nominate someone they feel meets this criteria. Nomination forms will be distributed in May and inductees will be announced in September.
More information on this event will follow on the School and Parish Websites, The Siena and in the Sunday Bulletin.
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PREP/CCD classes for Tuesday, March 14, 2017 are cancelled due to school closing because of the snow forecast.
In addition, the First Communion parent/student meeting scheduled for Tuesday Evening is postponed. This meeting will be rescheduled.