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May 2015

St. Katherine of Siena will display sacred relics Thursday, June 4


Fr. Jason Kulczynski, Parochial Vicar at Maternity B.V.M. Parish (and soon to be Pastor of Holy Martyrs Parish in Oreland, PA) will present an exposition of sacred relics at St. Katherine of Siena Parish on Thursday, June 4 from 1 to 6:30 p.m. in the church basement.

Father Kulczynski will present more than 50 relics including those from the True Cross, St. John Paul II, St. Padre Pio, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta and St. Katherine Drexel.

Father Kulczynski is host of AIM HIGH on Radio Maria.  You can listen to Fr. Kulczynski's show by clicking here.

From the Pastor: Ave Atque Vale!

Father Joseph Zaleski receives his chalice and paten from Archbishop Chaput at his ordination on May 16.  Photo courtesy

Ave Atque Vale is a Latin phrase which means, "Hail and Farewell".  It usually has a bittersweet meaning to it, as does here in these next few lines.

The statues of the Archdiocese state that a priest, upon reaching his 75th year, must submit a letter of retirement to the Archbishop.  In April, Father Ferrier turned 75 and the Archbishop has graciously accepted Father's letter but has asked him to stay on at SKS in the position that he presently holds.  So, even though Father is "officially" retired, we will see no change in his many activities here in the parish.

The next news is more on the bitter side of the bittersweet equation.  Father Will Monahan has been promoted to be the first assistant at St. Timothy Parish in Mayfair.  Father has been at St. Katherine's for the past five years and has been a wonderful housemate and a dedicated parish priest.  I know that when the time is right and he becomes a pastor, he will take with him many of the good things that he experienced here in Torresdale.   We are most grateful to him for all that he initiated and the things that he oversaw while he worked in this portion of the Lord's vineyard. 

Of course, Father Will's promotion leaves an opening at St. Katherine's.  On Saturday, May 16th, the Archbishop ordained seven men to the priesthood.  One of the newly ordained, Father Joseph Zaleski, originally from St. Martin of Tours parish, has been sent to St. Katherine's for his first assignment.  A priest's first assignment is very influential in his life.  I know that our parishioners will band together to give Father a wonderful and educational first experience.  Read more about Father Zaleski in this article on

At last, but certainly not least, as been announced before in the Sunday Bulletin, Dr. Robert Hall will be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate by Archbishop Chaput on Saturday, June 6.  Deacon Hall will participate in a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday June 7th at which he will fulfill the Office of Deacon at the Mass; proclaiming the Gospel, Preaching the Homily, and assisting at the Altar for the Eucharist.  After the Mass there will be a lawn reception to greet the new Deacon and wish him well.  All are invited to the Mass and the gathering on June 7th.

May God bless each of these good men and strengthen them in the days ahead!

~Father Kennedy

May Procession

All are Invited

All parishioners are welcome to join our PREP students on Tuesday; May 12, 2015; as they close the school year with a procession in honor of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  The procession will form and begin in the small parking lot behind McBride Hall at 6:50 PM.  

You are welcome to join in the procession or meet us in church at 7:00 PM.  We will have a short reflection on the Blessed Mother followed by the crowning of our Heavenly Mother.