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September 2014

August 2014

Nominate Saint Katherine of Siena To Win Pocket Gospels


In April, Pope Francis handed out pocket-sized Gospels to the crowds in St. Peter's Square. Now your parish can do the same!

Spread the Word of God by nominating your parish below to receive 250 free copies of Pocket Gospel and Acts of the Apostles (an almost $2,000 value)! One parish will be chosen randomly on August 30, 2014. 

CLICK HERE to help Saint Katherine of Siena win!

Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Save the Date for the Friends of the Poor Walk


Bring your family and friends and join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at the 2nd Annual Friends of the Poor Walk on Saturday, September 20, 2014. 

Join the Vincentians for a Family Fun Walk that begins and ends at McBride Hall and includes a local route of approximately 2 miles along Grant Avenue to and through Fluehr Park.  The event rais fund to assist the Society of St. Vincent de Paul with outreach assistance to those in need within the parish boundaries. 

The 2014 schedule of events begins with Mass in the church at 8:00 AM, which will be followed by walker sign-ins beginning at 8:30 AM in McBride Hall. The walk will start at 9:00 AM and light refreshments will be provided in McBride Hall after the walk.  A registration fee of $20.00 per adult or $30.00 per family will include a t-shirt and donation to the St. Katherine of Siena Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

You can register to walk or donate online at or in person the morning of the Walk.

Questions?  Contact the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, [email protected] or leave a message at 215-637-7548 ext. 250.

Parish Religious Education Program


Registration for the 2014-2015 school year is scheduled:

    September 4 in the PREP office, rear of McBride Hall from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

    September 6 in the church basement after the 5:00 mass

    September 7 in the church basement after the 8:00, 10:00 and 12:00 masses.

The fee is $80.00 a child, $100.00 a family.

All parish children in grades 1 - 7 who attend charter, public or a non-catholic school are expected to participate in this program.  In order to be eligible to receive the sacraments of reconciliation, eucharist and/or confirmation a student and his/her family must be registered members of the parish and the child must attend and participate in weekly PREP classes.

Class begins September 16 and are scheduled 6:30 PM until 7:30 PM every Tuesday.