April 29th - Feast of Saint Katherine Of Siena
"Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire."
~Saint Katherine of Siena
Today is the feast of our titular saint, Saint Katherine of Siena.
Read about Saint Katherine at catholic.org:
Born in 1347, Catherine Benincasa was the twenty-fifth child born to Giacomo and Lapa Benincasa. Her father Giacomo was a wealthy businessman. Her mother, as one can imagine, had her days—and nights—filled with caring for twenty-five children! At the age of six, young Catherine was walking home when she saw Jesus seated in glory.
Accompanying Him were members of the heavenly family—the “Church triumphant”—Peter, Paul, and John. It was on that day that young Catherine decided to surrender her life to the Lord in prayer and service to the Church.
Catherine’s parents wanted her to marry CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING